The Composition API is alternative way of writing the logic behind our components. And about the template code does not change. The Composition API is 100% optional.
You can check my todos project
that are using nuxt and Composition API below:
When building bigger Vue apps, we might face two main limitations / issues:
In Composition API data
, methods
, computed
and watch
, going to be replaced with the new setup
option. And about props
, emits
, components
, those remain untouched by the Composition API.
Data is replaced with refs and reactive, methods are replaced with functions, Computed is replaced with the computed function, and watchers are replaced with the watcher functions.
Because we’re using nuxt, and we know that nuxt use vue 2. So we need to install Composition API dependency.
npm install @vue/composition-api # or yarn add @vue/composition-api
and import as plugins
// plugins/composition-api.js import Vue from 'vue' import VueCompositionAPI from '@vue/composition-api' Vue.use(VueCompositionAPI)
add that plugin to nuxt config
// nuxt.config.js plugins: [ '@/plugins/composition-api', ],
You must import ref from Composition API.
// pages/todo.vue // line 26 import { ref } from '@vue/composition-api'
Initial value with Option API
data() { return { todos: [ { name: 'Lets learn compostion API', isDone: false, }, ], keyword: '', }; },
Initial value with Composition API
// pages/todo.vue setup() { // line 38 const todos = ref([ { name: 'Lets learn compostion API', isDone: false, } ]); // line 50 const keyword = ref(''); }
Set value with Option API
this.todos.push(payload); this.keyword = payload;
Set value with Composition API
// line 46 todos.value.push(payload); // line 53 keyword.value = payload;
Reactive is a bit like ref, but its explicitly made for objects. So you must pass an object to reactive.
import { reactive } from '@vue/composition-api' setup() { // initial value const todo = reactive({ name: 'Learn Composition API', isDone: true, }); // Set value = 'Learn Typescript'; todo.isDone = false; }
Function in Option API
methods: { setKeyword(payload) { this.keyword = payload; }, },
Function in Composition API
// pages/todo.vue setup() { // line 52 function setKeyword (payload) { keyword.value = payload; }; }
Computed in Option API
computed: { todoList() { const lowerKeyword = keyword.value.toLowerCase(); return !keyword.value ? todos.value : todos.value.filter((item) =>; }, },
Computed in Composition API
import { computed } from '@vue/composition-api' setup() { // line 57 const todoList = computed(() => { const lowerKeyword = keyword.value.toLowerCase(); return !keyword.value ? todos.value : todos.value.filter((item) =>; }); }
Computed properties is read-only.
Wtach in Option API
watch: { keyword(newValue, oldValue) { setTimeout(() => { this.$emit('search', newValue) }, 500) }, },
Wtach in Composition API
// components/todos/FilterTodo.vue import { watch } from '@vue/composition-api' setup() { // line 24 watch(keyword, (newValue, oldValue) => { setTimeout(() => { context.emit('search', newValue) }, 500) }); }
Watch in Composition API gain more flexibility, by passing an array of dependencies.
import { watch } from '@vue/composition-api' setup() { watch([name, isDone], (newValue, oldValue) => { console.log(newValue[0]); console.log(newValue[1]); }); }
We can’t use this
in setup()
method, because setup basically gets called too early by Vue. At this point of time, the Vue instance object, doesn’t exist yet.
Setup actually is a method that accepts two arguments. The first parameter is the props parameter. The Second parameter is the context object.
Props in Option API
computed: { isDoneBadge() { return this.todo.isDone ? '<span class="badge rounded-pill bg-success">done</span>' : '<span class="badge rounded-pill bg-warning">todo</span>' }, },
Props in Composition API
// components/todos/TodoItem.vue setup(props) { // line 24 const isDoneBadge = computed(() => { return props.todo.isDone ? '<span class="badge rounded-pill bg-success">done</span>' : '<span class="badge rounded-pill bg-warning">todo</span>'; }); return { isDoneBadge }; },
The Second parameter of setup method is the context object.
Emit in Option API
watch: { keyword(newValue, oldValue) { setTimeout(() => { this.$emit('search', newValue) }, 500) }, },
Emit in Composition API
// components/todos/FilterTodo.vue setup(props, context) { watch(keyword, (newValue, oldValue) => { setTimeout(() => { // line 26 context.emit('search', newValue) }, 500) }); },
How about the others lifecycle, like beforeCreate
, created
, beforeMount
, mounted
, beforeUpdate
, updated
, beforeUnmount
, unmounted
For beforeCreate and created there actually is no equivalent, because these hooks are not needed, because the setup method basically runs at the same time beforeCreate and created ran in the past.So setup replaces these hooks.
import { onBeforeMount, onMounted, onBeforeUpdate, onUpdated, onBeforeUnmount, onUnmounted, } from '@vue/composition-api' setup() { onBeforeMount(function() { console.log('onBeforeMount'); }); onMounted(function() { console.log('onMounted'); }); onBeforeUpdate(function() { console.log('onBeforeUpdate'); }); onUpdated(function() { console.log('onUpdated'); }); onBeforeUnmount(function() { console.log('onBeforeUnmount'); }); onUnmounted(function() { console.log('onUnmounted'); }); }
You also can use Option API alongside with Compostion API, like components/todos/AddTodo.vue
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